Wednesday 17 September 2014

Colour on a Troubled Sconce

So, today was a walk with a double purpose in mind.

Yesterday, as I was out running to Farndon and back along the river, I noticed that travellers had moved onto the lower Sconce Park field, the same group (recogniseable from the woodchipper they have with them) that has been seen in various locations around Newark; Hawton Lane, Clay Lane, Yorke Drive etc etc.

Whatever the rights or wrongs of the lifestyle, of the fact that there is a reported lack of provision of caravan sites for them, the fact that the travellers had been allowed to colonise a Heritage site within spitting distance of two nature reserves made me rather angry.

As the did the fact that although they only stayed on site for less than 24 hours, they left the field a total mess, with a bit of spiteful vandalism, thrown in. I only saw pictures of the worst of it, a great job by the ever unheralded council staff had cleared up all the litter and hopefully not human excrement that had been a characteristic of their occupation of the old BMX track.

It's been an issue all summer.

Luckily, the damage isn't as bad as first feared, and there was still welcome colour around as autumn and its shorter days commence.

On one side of the field...

...and the other


Destroyed fence

Interesting hybrid duck

The path through the oak wood

Harebells on the earthwork

Final flourish from campion (?)

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