Newark was alive with flutterers today, and as I trotted through town this morning, scanning the buddleias, or ran through Beacon Hill this afternoon, scanning more buddleias, I never had my eyes shut for even a second.
Summer buddleia, thistle and ragwort are so attractive to moths and butterflies, virtually wherever you see any growing, a closer look will probably reveal something of interest.
And that goes for anywhere, not just a nature reserve. Wasteground, brownfield sites, bushes next to busy roads.
Gatekeeper, Beacon Hill Park |
Meadow brown, Beacon Hill Park |
"The world looks better this way up!" - Peacock, Beacon Hill Park |
On the edge, Millgate Bridge |
Wings folded, Millgate Bridge |
Peacock now gives a sneaky peak, Millgate Bridge |
Fading but still pretty; small tortoiseshell, Clay Lane |
Small tortoiseshell, Clay Lane |
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