Thursday 5 October 2023

Autumn is Here

 It's October, one of what I think of as my two "doom" months, where wildlife and flora declines and everything goes green and brown, until December where the first snowdrops appear indicating that spring is on the way. 

I've restarted running now the cricket season is over. It was a painful and slow start, by golly gee I get so stiff now after a run compared to my younger days. But after a few weeks, I'm back under 30 minutes for 5km, so I've still got a bit of fitness left. 

It really helps with my mental health too, burning up some of that Tourette's and ADHD energy that would be otherwise used in highly constructive pursuits like waving my arms around, or hurting my already tic destroyed neck that is waking me up every morning with painful little spasms. 

The odd hirundid makes its way over the workplace, where the kestrel has resumed hunting after breeding season, and buzzards try and find thermals on the brighter days. Hopefully with the warm weekend forecast they will be able to do that.

But as thing stand now, rain is falling on the washing on my line. First world problems eh?


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 05.10.23


  1. Lovely Autumn photographs. My birthday (91) on Hallowe'en serves to make me like October - the weather is often beautiful and the last signs of Nature's beauty are superb - I love the striped ;bee' on the yellow flower even if 'she' doesn't understand just how well she has picked up the colour of the flower in her stripes.

  2. Ivy is a great boon to necter feeders at this time of year isn't it? This time last year we unthinkingly parked under mature ivy and very quickly closed the doors and backed off when we heard the roar (ok very loud hum)of thousands of bees working the flowers.

  3. Lovely selection of photos, especially the ladybird in the ivy. Ivy is so good for so many insects
