Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Bumblebees are Up!

 January was endless, February seemed endlessly grim. Not a lot to see anywhere as cold weather and grey skies seemed to set in for weeks on end. The early emergences of early January seemed to stall. 

The last few days however, have seen a return of actual springlike conditions; sunlight and a smidgen of warmth have returned. I feel like I have returned too, with more enjoyment in the outside once again as I seek to burn out the endless Tourette energy.

And at the same time, we have seen an explosion in light and colour. 

Today I wish to concentrate on one species. The better conditions have brought the the return of the big, busy and buzzy buff tailed bumblebee queens, that have been loving pollen bathing in the colourful crocus carpets we now have in the town's green spaces. 

Particularly impressive has been their beep buzzing noise they make when they lumber into the air after feeding, like an overladen World War 1 aircraft.

I hope you are enjoying seeing them on the wing too!


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 04.03.25

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