Monday 24 July 2023

Moar Butterflies

 About the only day the sun managed to show its big yellow face last week, two things that had changed in the world of butterflies locally were revealed.

1) A big migration of red admirals had arrived.

2) There was a mass emergence of second flight peacocks.

(There's also a third, I suppose - I'm wondering if some of the small skippers I'm seeing are actually essex skippers)

They are particularly fond of flowering teasel and clearly don't mind the prickles!


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 24.07.23


  1. Lovely photos! Up here in Scotland, we can be sure our Small Skippers are just that Small Skippers, as the Essex Skipper hasn't got up here yet. (The Large Skipper is apparently following closely behind the Small Skipper and will arrive in Scotland soon).

  2. Thank you, you can't see the bobbles properly in a lot of my photos!
