Thursday, 26 November 2015

Spuggy Studies

Took these yesterday as well on Clay Lane park, but I thought I'd avoid overloading my previous post, and present them separately for you here.

They are only house sparrows, but I need to practice and these are my best songbird shots I've yet taken. No brilliant colours, and the song of an angry fishwife, but they still have character, and they are still worthy of showing to you!


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 26.11.15


  1. I am always pleased to see sparrows.....they are going down in numbers, so it is always good to know they are out there.

    They are good images ............

  2. A precious Red List bird, Si, so always fab to see!

  3. You know, I find it hard to think of them as endangered, the racket they make outside my windows. Normally the eaves above my living room window have about 4 nests in each summer, with contnuous clutches being raised.

  4. Nice portraits of our familiar friends. Keep looking - one day you might find a Tree Sparrow among them.

  5. Nice portraits of our familiar friends. Keep looking - one day you might find a Tree Sparrow among them.

  6. great photos, and you're right they have a lot of character

  7. Gorgeous photos of them all fluffed and huddled in the trees. It's getting pretty cold out there for them.

  8. Tree sparrows I've seen at RSPB Langford, but they are a rare sight there now. I love them fluffed up too!
