Friday 9 August 2019

At Last a Brown Argus for You

The brown argus has long been a very difficult species for me to photograph. They are very small, tend to skulk about at ground level, and they are skittish as hell.

This one was flitting about at work the other day, coming out into the sun to play along with a decent number of gatekeepers - we seem to have lost the meadow browns and ringlets now - but it didn't want to be photographed.

It wasn't as tricksy as a small heath, which seem to be able to detect people wearing stealth suits at a range of 50 miles, but it sure as heck was a struggle to get any photos at all.

Feel slightly lucky.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 09.08.19


  1. You did a lot better than me. Though I did have a yellow under wing moth in the bedroom. Seriously thinking about a moth trap. Outside, not in the bedroom!

  2. Well done on that Brown Argus, I've never seen one, just Gatekeepers by the dozen here.

  3. I photographed one the other week, though it was a first for me and was achieved more by luck than any great skill, all attempts in the past having failed miserably.

  4. Thank you all, it was a dashed difficult blighter to track down
