Monday 22 April 2024

Running to Farndon Church

 It's the time of the year when I knew there ought to flowers filling up Farndon Churchyard, so I figured it was time to go out there and have a look.

How would I get there? By running of course. 

Very slowly as it turned out; my legs felt rather heavy and the roads felt very hard under my worn out running shoes - note to self, buy a new pair - and rare sun was making me boil up inside my Aldi running jacket. 

It was worth it though, as the church grounds were full of forget me not, bluebells and even some lungwort. Sadly, it was a bit chilly and so there weren't any pollinators on the wing. But in the end, I had got a good run in of just short of 10km, although it got very muddy where horses has churned up the bridleways. 

No sign of swallows or martens either, I am keeping an eye out for them, and the swifts too of course. 

They can't be far away. 


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 22.04.24


  1. Thanks for undertaking the run just so I could see the flowers! Swallows have been here, in small numbers, for a week or two and I'm told that the Martins are here too.

  2. Super photos of the flowers in the churchyard.

  3. You have gladdened my old heart this morning with that wonderful display Si. Thank you. Good to see you have done the same for John. Is that a bit of early cowparsley in the background. Oh and that dandelion has such good taste blending with the Bluebells.

  4. Real blue and yellow theme you have got going there Si. Looking beautiful.

  5. Sent here by Weaver... your pictures are lovely.... Hugs! deb

  6. Gorgeous! Love the bluebells, dandelions, and forget-me-nots!

  7. That looks so pretty! Great photos.

  8. Thank you so much all. Suddenly the cow parsley is everywhere!
