Thursday 30 April 2020

In Quest of Alpacas

Today I finally girded my loins and set off in quest of alpacas.

Not wild ones of course, that truly would be an adventure especially in the current world climate, but I'd heard that was a little alpaca farm right on the other side of town and with the weather wet again I figured there wouldn't be many folk around for me to stress about walking past.

This was a long old trot to get to; I walked through the cemetery and along the cycle path past the new builds and the old works site before reaching a quiet lane lined with hawthorn blossom.

It was in a field off here that I found a family of four alpacas, well wrapped up against the cool, feeding quietly. There's been tales that they have been chased by local children, but they were not bothered by me and happily munched away.

Their coats look like they'll make a nice few jumpers when they get shorn. Incredibly thick wool.

There was another group of four in another field, a long way off, much paler in colour.

This lane seems to be the home for all manner of mini farms and liveries, with goats and horses also being kept down there, although I doubt they enjoyed the weather today. I don't mind it.

I'm just glad to be still out there.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 30.04.20


  1. Love alpacas and surely they are ready for cutting. Are those buttercups out already? We have celandines out still here.

  2. Beautiful alpacas, our local city farm got some alpacas just before lockdown and we're looking forward to meeting them once the farm opens to the public again

  3. Lots of buttercups now, and there will be more. Thank you for reading!
