Wednesday 24 June 2015

There is Never Enough Time

I'm a very tired writer today, having been awake most of the night after discovering that an old friend of mine from a few years ago had died ten days ago of an overdose. I'd been only in intermittent contact with her over the last couple of years, seems that was true of everyone.

Addiction does that apparently.

She was 33 years old.

Time, ultimately, is very short, and sadly for some it is even shorter than that.

Thus I was determined to be up at dawn to be walking and photographing. However, my body knows when I'm pushing it too hard and mercifully knocked me out until 9. Then I did my walking, and later running, and might even have found a small blue butterfly for you, a rather uncommon species in a year when butterflies haven't been very numerous full stop.

It would be nice if I could get up at 9 and then go and get a really good job where I might be paid for sharing my love of nature and the outdoors. Because, as I have stated, there just isn't enough time to waste a single second.

But we all do.


All images and text copyright CreamCrackeredNature 24.06.15

Sleep well Lala.

Banded demoiselle by River Devon. Tricky blighters to snap

Common blue rolling in clover

This one is a bit ragged, like yesterday's

At a different angle

First meadow browns are up too now. This one was sneaky

Now, is this a small blue I have here? 

It was tiny, smaller than the common blue

Bees like red

Bees like yellow

And bees like whatever colour this is

This one had a good long feed

Hmmmm. Viper bugloss?


  1. Lovely shots Simon, sorry about your friend.

  2. Cycle of life! Still wondering about that small blue.

  3. Sorry about your friend Si - so sad.
    You would be good in a job on a Nature Reserve. We have one near here
    in the middle of Catterick Garrison - it is a marvellous place, which I support. They have a Reserve Manager, which always seems to me to be a marvellous job.

  4. Thank you! Trouble is working on a nature reserve means being able to drive, which I can't

  5. Hey Simon,
    I'm so sorry about your friend. I always find nature to be very restorative. A great leveller.
    Leanne xx

  6. Just blog hopping from Weaver's blog. Your plant isn't Viper's Bugloss, but Tufted Vetch. This is Viper's Bugloss
    which is a plant I considered SO exotic when I first saw it (aged 6) in my Observer's book of Wild Flowers. I was 30 before I got to see it in the wild, so to speak.

    Very sorry to hear about your friend. I heard similar news about an old school friend of mine recently, and sadly, wasn't at all surprised in her case. I'd not seen her since we were 16 or so (over 45 years ago). You must be feeling knocked sideways by such news.

  7. Thanks for saying hi! I remember first seeing Viper bugloss on the Lincolnshire coast (near Donna Nook) last september. Something about the coliur and shape of the vetch triggered me.
